Wednesday, January 26, 2005

On The Eve Of My 3rd Decade....(Feb 5 is my b-day)

3 score and 9 months ago a couple of teenagers laid down together and conceived me. 3 decades and some change, I'm sitting here typing words. A lot of shit has happened in between... Some good... Some bad... Some too terrible to describe! Overall, I must say that life has been good to me. It's a race; and while I'm not ahead of the game, I'm still in a position to win if I have a strong kick toward the end.

Like most of us, I do have regrets. Hell, I have a bunch of 'em! Most of my regrets fall under the umbrella of the only two serious relationships I've ever been in. Melony was my first love. Aimee was the most recent... I should be married to one of them, but I fucked up both of them. I swear if I could go back to that night at The Renaissance when Natalia asked me if I had a girlfriend and I said "No"....

Other regrets usually relate to my work ethic, or lack thereof. Procrastination is a disease!! Fortunately, God saw fit to bless me with above-average intelligence, and honestly, it's the only reason I've come this far in life. Combine my brains with a desire to bust my hump and I'd be a real American success story! Instead, I'm just another under-achiever with bad credit.

Looking back on 30 years I still feel as if there's so much to learn about life. Most of the time I feel like knocking the hell out of a 20-something who thinks he/she has wisdom. I remember being that way. If they only knew how dumb they sound...

I sometimes wish that someone would invent a time machine that would allow me to go back and tell my younger, dumber self to do/not do certain things. But knowing me, I wouldn't have listened anyway. So fuck it! I am what I am...

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