Sunday, March 05, 2006

I'd Rather Not Be Your N-I-G-G-A

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Let me set it up for you... To break the monotony that is Camp Arifjan, the powers-that-be offer sight-seeing trips in to Kuwait City. Now, if you've never been here or seen pictures, Kuwait City is not what you'd imagine. This place is waaay more westernized with plenty to see and do. The houses that these people live in are huge! Make no mistake, this country is loaded!
Anyway, we took a trip to the Scientific Center where there's an Imax theatre, a pretty cool aquarium, and other attractions. It's the type of place that schools take field trips to, as was apparent on this particular day.
While sitting at the Burger King eating area, a group of Kuwaiti school girls walked up to a friend of mine, who happens to be black, and asked her if she was from Africa. Now in the U.S., this might call for an ass whoopin', but ths is Kuwait and Africa is not that far from here. She politely said no, and told them she was an American. Delighted, the 3 girls asked a few more questions about the U.S. to which my friend politely responded. At the very end, the girls said, "Tell Oprah we said, hello." I was rollin'!!
After the Scientific Center, we went to the Kuwaiti Liberation Towers. where we ate some very gourmet food, at a very expensive restaurant at the top of the tower. I would've rather gone to the Chili's restaurant we passed on the way there, but it was off limits to us. We also passed this parking lot where a bunch of young Kuwaiti rich kids were out parkin' lot pimpin' with their exotic sports cars and uero-style fashion. Lemme tell ya, this is the life of a young male Kuwaiti citizen. They have money to burn and hardly a care in the world. Just a bunch of yuppies living the fabulous life... hell yeah I'm jealous!
So, as I was walking back to our bus, a little red Mercedes Coupe was speeding past me in the parking lot. As it came close to my vicinity, this dude pokes his head out the passenger-side window and yells, "Wussup Nigga!"
At first I was pissed at him... then I was mad at them. But in the end, I was mad at us. Why? Because this kid pro'ly got that from some Rap music that he hears on the regular. We made it acceptable for the world to call us that. That kid wasn't a racist. He was just adhering to an image that we perpetuate about ourselves. Hell, I'm suprised the boy didn't throw up a gang sign while swiggin' a 40 oz. 'Cuz really... that's what we tell them is cool, right? 25,000 miles away from the nearest red-neck, and I'm still being called 'Nigga'.

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